The saran wrap dilemma

My wife bought quite some time ago a very cheap saran wrap. It is an awful product, it is self-sticking and the in-built wrap cutter does not do what it is supposed to do. For some time we both were pretty annoyed with it until I finally proclaimed, that we must buy another, higher quality product – the one we usually buy. On our next shopping tour we bought it. That was about a month ago. Since then the new roll is lying around in the kitchen without having been opened.

Why? For some non-obvious reasons, both my wife and I are not able to throw away the old crappy product without a strong conscious effort. A reasonable explanation would be of course that the old roll is not finished yet. There is some logics to that. However, this is Neanderthal-thinking. The cheap roll costs 1.15 sFr, whereas the new one costs 3.15 sFr. And for this lousy 1.15 sFr. we are suffering for months, getting upset everytime we use the wrap.

There seem to be two unconscious and conflicting programming modes at work:

  1. Keeper habit: Don’t ever throw away a perfectly useful product, however annoying its handling is.
  2. Economic logic: It costs only 50% of a coffee. Why should I care at all? I don’t want to be annoyed every time I use the wrap.

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